Pro Bono and Public Interest
Thulamela Chambers was established with a foundational aim of fostering the ethos of pro bono work by its members and promoting access to justice through the provision of legal services. Many of our members have been and are currently involved in pro bono and public interest matters.
The Pro Bono and Public Interest Committee is mandated to encourage and facilitate the provision of pro bono and public interest work within Thulamela. The members of our Group recognise that by undertaking pro bono work and assisting public interest organisations, advocates can meaningfully contribute to social transformation and access to justice and legal services in South Africa.
The Committee also sees the public interest sector as an important area for the development of relationships and transfer of skills between experienced attorneys and counsel, and more junior members of the Bar.
The Thulamela Public Interest and Pro Bono Committee’s primary objectives are to:
Facilitate and encourage Thulamela members in obtaining and effectively carrying out pro bono and public interest law work.
Increase general awareness about Thulamela’s public interest focus and the public interest and pro bono work conducted by our members as a tool for:
Attracting new members who subscribe to these ideals;
Developing a strong brand for the Group;
Showcasing and developing the talents of our members.
Work towards transformation of the public interest legal sector and the legal profession by ensuring the fair distribution of quality and quantity of public interest and pro bono work within our Group.
Establish institutional links with educational institutions, public interest organisations and pro bono departments of law firms on matters of mutual professional interest and to facilitate members’ ability to assist these organisations with their work.
These objectives are informed by the Thulamela Mission Statement and the foundational resolutions of Thulamela Constitution. The Thulamela Constitution also requires our members to undertake pro bono work in addition to his or her obligation to undertake and perform pro bono work in terms of the Rules of the Bar Council.
The Thulamela PBPIC has been working with Lawyers for Human Rights Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme since October 2016 to establish a group of willing and able junior counsel to assist with matters in the Refugee Appeal Board and High Court.
The PBPIC together with Lawyers for Human Rights continues to run workshops to equip junior members from our Group and the Johannesburg Bar with the skills to take on refugee and immigration matters. The workshops provide a general introduction to refugee law, together with practical advice on representing asylum-seekers in Refugee Appeal Board hearings and review applications in the High Court.
A number of Thulamela juniors have now represented asylum-seekers in the Refugee Appeal Board and in High Court review applications.